Photo Copyright (c) Lucy Wallingford and Slickrock Adventures, Inc
used with permision http://www.slickrock.com/belizemaps.htm
President Bush Recalls Ambassador Joslin,
Declares Mayor for Life Graybiel Reign Officially Over
It’s Belize Suddenly!!! “Crush the Liver 2007”
“With Onions!” terror has ended
Washington, DC, June 29th, 2007/PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --
As the last helicopter leaves Belizean airspace, with the newly recalled ambassador Joslin, and “Mayor for Life” Graybiel” Belizean-American tensions have lessoned dramatically, and the army of this tiny Central American Nation, has finally stood down, ending the shortest war declared against the United States in our history.
President Bush today said:
“My critics are always pointing out my ‘alleged’ mistakes, but I think we can all agree that history will show that, this was one BIG FRICKIN’ mistake. I hereby declare that the reign of “mayor for life” Graybiel has ended, Ambassador Joslin has been recalled, and that the “Crush the Liver 2007” tour (oh with onions), has come to a very very dramatic end.
As we piss and moan about my mistakes, I think we can all agree this one ROCKS! Bush added, as he signed the pardon papers.
“Now we hope to restore the trust that we have always had in the Belizean people, and hope that doubling our foreign aid is but the first step to repairing these obviously damaged relations.”
When asked what was next for the Joslin’s and the Graybiel’s, Bush was non-committal, but added, “I bet they aren’t invited back to Belize any time soon” We’ll probably send them back to St Martin next time.
When further queried, an AP reporter asked: “So exactly WHAT happened? How did we get here anyway?”
Well, It all started when…..
Read on tomorrow as we make this journey come true.
For more information about the Joslin’s, please read our blog at: . Read more at http://joslinsrock.blogspot.com/
Contact: Jon Joslin, Director of Public Relations, JoslinsROCK!!!, +1-555-555-5555 or jonjoslin@joslinsrock.com
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