Liver - A tasty hangover cure:
A lot of good people lost their jobs today… It was hard to imagine, and harder to have not been there for it. Out company sold recently, and today was the announcement of the restructuring that would include a lot of friends losing their jobs. To all those who help build our company and will not be making the journey forward with us, I’d liked to have been there today, to say thanks for all the memories, and wish that in the name of progress, this wasn’t the only way.
Progress.. It hurts. Now we pick up the pieces, and go forward. 600 where we used to be 1000. good luck all, and I wish I were there today.
We decided to go into Philipsburg again today, and the weather was perfect for it. A bit cloudy, and just a touch of a breeze, that made shopping that much better. Guess what we were shopping for?
A Jewel-encrusted Patek Phillippe watch? Breitling? Not today I fear. Minda found a diamond tennis bracelet, Diamond Broach, and a white Gold 18” Chain after a mere 2 hours, and 5 stores. “This is my first sale of the day, very lucky” “Let me get you my BESTEST best price, ok?” Do you mean as opposed to the other three you have been dragging em along with? Haha,..
You know your personality has worn off onto your kids, when your 8 year old says, “Dad, I know we’re bored, and want this just to be over with, but that’s too much”

The Stresses of Vacation
I think she’s going to be a police negotiator, or a Lawyer… A Lawyer..Oh well, I can always tell people she’s in prison when they ask what she does.

Crepe Shoppe, End of Old Street
Found some internet Access at the Internet Café in Philipsburg, and exchanged emails and sympathy for some of the above named people, affected in our company’s sale. I did not really spend any time looking for free access, as I found plenty for around $3-4 per hour. After catching my wife in a McDonald’s, I managed to escape before anyone saw me. This one unfortunately counted, as they had a fish sandwich while waiting my return. OK, I can’t take the pressure, I ATE A FRECH FRY!!! IT WAS GOOD, settled my recent liver problem, and enabled me to keep drinking.. IT WAS GOOD. I’d do it again! And blast all those tourist who say they don’t.. I LOVED IT!! Best French FRY I HAD ALL WEEK.. now please, please let me be….
(oops, that wasn’t supposed to get written). And now back to our story.
Left Front street, and headed back to Rima’s, to toss down another $150.00. Evidently the first time was not enough, but they did remember us. He smirked and said “We knew you’d be back.”
Went back to Orient beach, and then to MADOUDOU “factory,” where I met back up with the French lady who runs it. She indictated there are 4 painters that do the work, and we managed to drop several hundred dollars. We both sampled, and my SCENT-DOG son managed to identify, coconut, mango, Vanilla, Clove, and many other scents. If anyone needs a perfume-ologist, I have a candidate.
Ended the day with a return trip to BBB, this time to eat and drink. It was so handy to the Pelican resort, and the food was good and fast.

Hermit Crab at BBB
“Attention, You must order from the bar. Attention..” My wife had a dang good cheeseburger, while the kids scarfed up a couple of HUGE hot dog. I had the Caribbean Italian Sausage, which return trippers to the island know of course is an Italian sausage eaten anywhere in the Caribbean. It was also huge, had grilled peppers, and was awesome..
And that’s when I made the mistake. The big mistake.. The kind of mistake you really really only dream about. I found Baron.
Baron. Baron. Baron. Baron was an innocent looking orange sauce on the side of the bar in a small ordinary food service bottle. It looked like a Walmart generic hot sauce.
Sidebar: If you don’t know by now, I love hot things. I lot to eat them, rub them on my face, and generally will eat anything in the world. I am the hot sauce Champion of the World. There exists only two things I cannot eat (and one of those is a planet.. The other? Pure CAP). I grow peppers for fun, and routinely have 10-12 species lingering in the Hot Texas sun. I Floss with them, chew them for heartburn relief, and well, let’s not talk about what I rub on Hemmor$%@.. Ok, over the line there folks..
Baron… Is hot. Really Hot.. Really really really frickin’ hot! Scotch Bonnet peppers in a BUTANE sauce!! I’m not sure if it was sun-drenched lips from being at the beach for 10 days I in a row, but I was burning!! Two beers and multiple glasses of water later (I know I know, Milk is better, but the goats here are ugly!) I was in no better shape.. WOW, that my friends was DAVE’s INSANITY SAUCE hot.
If you don’t know Dave’s just do this. Turn your burner on high, leave for two hours, come back in and press you lips to the burner, and stack a cinder block on the back of your head. Then, tell people you tried Dave’s.
I failed to meet Neil again, but I definitely would have begged a case of Baron’s from him. So, for my loving family, you get no Christmas Hot sauce if we don’t have a good Texas Habanero harvest this year.

At the end of the day, You're another day older!
Next we stumbled back up to the pool until 9 PM.

Sailboat holding up the waning sun
Where I managed to pull my lips out of the pool filter, and wander back to the room, where the nightly 10 second ritual of falling asleep once again reared it’s head!
END OF DAY _____________________________________________________________________________________
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