Liver - It was always trying to keep you sober anyway.
What sucks? Sharing BBQ Flavored Cheezits on the way home form the beach.
What doesn’t? Eating Lido’s twice in a row!
Woke up early again today and Checked out ZEE BEST for Pastries. $2 each fruit tarts that are very French, very good, and going to be on the menu for a while.
I went to the Business center next to Jimbo’s for internet access today. I know it’s a sin, but wanted to make sure the deal actually closed on selling the company. It did.
Today is the day for adventure. Mt intention is to Find Anse Marcel.

Ryan at Anse Marcel
A resort area recently bought by the Raddison, and due for a $650,000,000 renovation. Founds Anse Marcel without issue after a 10-15 minute drive, including a traffic jam in Marigot
(Helocoptor noises in background)…. Whop Whop Whop Whop Whop Whop
Bob, it looks like we have a stalled out dog in the left lane in downtown Marigot, with the Lookie Lou’ers slowing down eastbound traffic.
Oh Wait, the dog moved, and now we have flow again. Bobby Joe and Ziggy are going in opposite directions on the main road, have stopped in opposite lanes to talk, and all Traffic has now come to a complete standstill. Remarkably enough, noone is honking, and both participants are still alive. Not Like Houston here Bob.
Whop Whop Whop Whop Whop Whop Noises fade.

Kids at Anse Marcel
Arrived in Grand Case in no time, and drove on to French Cul-De-Sac, which for those of you who count, is NOT a Cul-De-Sac at all, much more like a lane. Got to the sign that says Anse Marcel, and took it as a sign we needed to turn.
For all that I thought that finding MADouDou would be hard, it’s this simple. Go into Cul-De-Sac, and turn RIGHT at the same area that there is a LEFT turn to Anse Marcel. More on this later.
The Radisson has done a remarkable job at putting up signs that say “Coming soon” and blocking off perfectly good parking area that are not being worked on. We arrived, and for those who care or remember, we intended to start at Anse Marcel, and go on to Duck’s bay, previously discussed on TTOL.
Well, let me mention, that Land access to Duck’s beach, while potential possible, is WAY outside the ability of my kids, and without ropes, is also outside the ability of a season Advanced climber and Scrambler. About ½ way through the day, I decided to make a pitch to Duck’s beach, about 2/3 of a mile around from the left-most point of Anse Marcel, as you look to the ocean. I got all the way to the end of the point, with only advanced scrambling, nothing I was nervous to do alone. As soon as I hit the point, I knew I’d not being seeing Duck’s beach that way.
I considered hijacking a Dinghy form the marina, (which would have been the third one in three days), but decided not to push the point. Went back and had a great day on Anse Marcel.
Did I mention as we unloaded and moved our 10,000 items from the car (Which we have not yet locked and have not left a single thing in!), that we had a perfectly great cooler full of Carib, Grolsch, and Egg Salad for Sandwiches witting on the counter at the Pelican?
Why? Noone knows.. haha.. Refusing to drive back, I decided since it had blue-ice on it, it would live there, and we’d try hard to survive. For those who have not taken any survival training, It’s about Environment, Shelter, Water, and Food. Since it was 85 and sunny, We Skipped Environment and went straight to shelter. Oh wait, there was a built-in cover too. That left food and water.
I set out to the marina area to replace our cooler contents. Keep in mind we were desperate, starving, dying of thirst, and had been exposed to the harsh harsh elements for nearly 15 minutes! I almost feel bad for what I am about to describe.
I walked into the marina store, and told the lady I had left the cooler behind, described my personal affection for beer, and the dilemma I was in. She said “Don’t worry; we have a stranded tourist special.” She proceeded to unload a Presidente box, and re-loaded it with a 6-pack of Carib, 2 Ting, a Red Bull, and a gallon of Evian. She charged me $12, included the box, and told me to see the Harbormaster, and the Italian girl in the Restaurant next door. I went over to the harbormaster, who added ice, then to the restaurant, and the girl made me two ten-inch sandwiches, after I explained I was a stranded tourist. These proved to be the best I’ve ever had.
Let me tell you, this was way better than the Eatzi’s-type to die-for sandwiches I can get near my office. Two ten inch French Baguettes, slightly crispy, with Genoa Ham, Gorgonzola Cheeze, with an olive oil drizzle, and Smoked Artichoke Hearts, Red Bell Peppers, and a drizzle of MADOUDOU hot sauce. I am going to be stranded several more times before I leave!
I had two offers to go boating for the day before I left, as I seemed to be entertaining some people! Haha.
The water at Anse Marcel was perfectly calm, The area has minor a couple of topless sunbathers, but nothing anyone objected to. Snorkling was perfect as far as teaching, but sandy bottom and not much to see. Remy and I went out about 200 yards, while mom and Ryan entertained themselves near shore.
Later, Ryan and I went through the Raddison property and went to the marina to check out boats. They are WAY further away from opening in November. It will be a great property though. Saw a boat form Houston, and talked to a couple of people in the marina!
Having put up with this for the better part of the day, we decided we had enough, and ventured into Grand Case, after a quick stop at MADOUDOU, discovered early in the day.
Met the lady who runs MADOUDOU, but she was locking up to go make a delivery. She offered to reopen and get me whatever I wanted, and I said “Eh Maybe tomorrow, I’m here for a while.” She laughed and told me that was the spirit, and I have “Blended in to the island” I take it that’s a good thing!
The really fun part, was that we left there behind her, and followed her along the road to Grand Case, where we were heading, and she was delivering. I jumped out, approached her, and asked “Do I know you from somewhere?” Does anyone know the French word for Stalking? Haha..
Saw several hotels for a future Business trip I was tasked in checking. Le Esplanade looks the best, and is way cheaper than La Samanna (Thanks Ed from TTOL).

Hotels we visited 1

Hotels we visited 2

Hotels We Visited 3
We headed back to Pelican for Dinner, which would be Gourmet Italian, inside. Then we stopped at French-side Marche Supermarket, which IS French, all the way down to the fact that most people don’t speak English in it. Mom went home, showered up and cooked, and I took the Kids out to Buccaneer Beach bar (oops, I mean Kim Sha Beach). This place rocks! I knew Neil did a great job, but this is the ultimate Beach bar, complete with complimentary chairs and Umbrellas. Did not get to meet Neil, but I am sure I will on the TTOL party on the 6th.

The Pelican Marina Building
Dinner, and early to bed tonight. I think I’ll sneak out to the casino when wife falls asleep.
END OF DAY _____________________________________________________________________________________
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